"Thamaso maa jyotir gamaya" Table of Contents - The Silent Gospel In the end enlightenment is not really an attainment of something you do not have, but a remembrance of what always has been. Preface: Biological Dance - Touching between Realms
It does this by briefly reviewing current understandings originating from the scientific community, specifically: 1. The physical bio-chemical link between two major physical systems [immune and nervous systems], and the mental psychological aspect of emotions is firmly established. 2. The causality of this bio-chemical spontaneous virtual bloom (emotions) is mind. 3. Neural architectures; components that are so small that they constantly reside under the influence of the unique dynamics and mechanics of quantum processes. 4. Researchers looking into recall and what we call loosely term consciousness [sense of self] resides in no one biological place and yet in the same moment is capable of originating anywhere within the body. What is stranger still is that the intelligent impulse underlying this generation of physical activity originates from the non-local quantum realm. The foundation: The physical biochemical/ electromagnetic self is sustained and maintained by an intelligence anchored and originating in the quantum realm. This information has led science to the understanding that biology, in a macro sense, is a standing-wave of electromagnetic phenomena open to modulation from various levels of stimulus, and on a micro level is a quantum object ruled by the perceiving consciousness. The implication is that the “Witnessing Self” i.e. the soul or higher-self plays a major role in orchestrating the physical aspect of reality. Introduction: A Question of Life: 7 A personal summary of how the author came to the subject matter of human potentiality by questioning life, purpose and existence. In doing so he uncovers the keys to divinity, immortality and a methodology for the creation of Shroud of Turin’s image. Chapter One: le Coeur de Mystère (The Heart of the Mystery): 12 The Shroud, S.T.U.R.P., The Image, The Death of Public Interest, Mapping of the Shroud, Sudarium of Oviedo, Facts on the Shroud, The Mystery, What a man can do!
This information allows the Jesus story and teachings to be used as a bridge in correlation to the ancient preexisting philosophies of the Indian sub-continent and their well delineated sciences. Chapter Two: Placebo & Faith: 26 Faith, Mr. Wright, Communication, Lebhon
Faith is a key principle in spiritual attunement. It affords the vital life giving force called grace and stabilizes genuine trust (faith) in the intelligence operating life. It acts to couple all levels of information-energy transference into coherency and provides the environment required for conscious attunement with the divine. Chapter Three: The Rainbow, Wisdom or Golden Body, ‘Ja’-lus in Tibetan: 39 Ramalinga Swamigal, Dzogpa Chenpo, Khenpo A Chung, The Rainbow Body, Paramahansa Yogananda, Master Zi Sheng Wang, Milarepa, Sri Aurobindo, Loung Pordaeng, H.E. Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche
The attainment procedures and final event is correlated with the resurrection and ascension of Jesus deeper into the book. Chapter Four: Guru Jesus: 54 The Man Jesus, Cross Pollination, Environment During Jesus’ Time, Trade, Education, Epiphany The Word, Background, The Transfiguration
The bridge between these ancient inner sciences and the man most likely to have created the Shroud Image, are strengthened with insights into the language spoken by Jesus, Aramaic. Anthropological/archaeological evidence points to the real possibility of spiritual/scientific cross pollination in the region of the living Jesus by these mystical philosophies of the East. This chapter cements the real possibility that this ancient mystical knowledge from the Indian Sub-continent existed in major trading centers along the trade routes supplying goods from Hindu/Buddhist dominated world to Rome and its Empire. Reviewed also are the Jewish educational processes of the first century highlighting the common practice of attending several differing types of spiritual sects to get a taste of their teachings and science. The chapter finishes with a look at the historical man and some biblical events that correlate to the mystical practices of the Indian sub-continent. Chapter Five: Resurrection: 78 Luke.24: , Summary
In doing so we gain a richer appreciation the Shroud would have had for a small sect of Jews under brutal Roman occupation, especially in strengthening a faith to move mountains. It also highlights similarities to disciples of other Indian Sub-continent saints like Buddha. Chapter Six: Have Heart: 87 Heart of the Matter, Aims of the Heart, The Center of Self: First comes Sraddha: The Virtue of Love, Info-Energy, Fifth Way, Heart Facts, The Open Heart, Sacred or Purified Heart
It is understood that the heart is the master oscillator for five key modes of information and energy transference, affecting every cell, molecule and atom operating within the physical matrix. The author takes a look at a diversity of perspectives ranging from spiritual to medical. He begins with the root of the word in Aramaic and summarizes how this meaning in antiquity correlates with various spiritual and bio-medical understandings in current science today. In short, this chapter is a collection of views on the heart with a goal of shifting perspective to one of the heart itself. One senses from the information that the heart has its own aims: perfect, whole, receptive, inclusive and as light as a feather. Chapter Seven: Truth: 107 Signposts of Truth, Psychological Factors, Components of Integrity
Being genuine, authentic and or honest, produces a signature within the bio-electro-chemical energetic waveform akin to self-loving receptive open states. Truth at any level appears to align I resonance to “The Truth”, which Spiritual Masters tells us is “Love”. Direct experiential knowing of this reality is the first station on the path to Perfect Completion. Eastern spiritual traditions have classed and categorized these richer levels of experience, giving aspirants signposts to help evaluate development and readiness for the next levels of practice. Lines from the Gospel of Thomas best sum up this chapter: “His disciples questioned Him and said to Him, ‘Do you want us to fast? How shall we pray? Shall we give alms? What diet shall we observe? Jesus said, ‘Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate, for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain without being uncovered.” “Jesus said to them, ‘If you fast, you will give rise to sin for yourselves; and if you pray, you will be condemned; and if you give alms, you will do harm to your spirits. When you go into any land and walk about in the districts, if they receive you, eat what they will set before you, and heal the sick among them. For what goes into your mouth will not defile you, but that which issues from your mouth - it is that which will defile you.” In this way, Jesus instructed his disciples, telling them that the most important thing they can do for attainment is to be truthful, genuine and honest to their inner truth essence. In short BE TRUTHFUL if you wish to know Truth! Zarathustra said; “Think good, do good, speak the truth.” Chapter Eight: Heart Intelligence: 115 Science of the Heart, Wave Theory, Synergy
This unrecognized force animating us, this natural intelligence, we are told, is our deepest felt sense of individuation. The impulse to beat is anchored within the heart itself, its operation and information transference is inherent. Both ancient and modern medical sciences tell us this present intelligence can, with skilled training, be brought into conscious awareness and made the sustaining anchor for perspective. This wisdom of the heart is sensed with faith and known by divinity (love) and is the foundation for courage and growth. The author proposes that this synergy of key cardiac components aligns with the non-local intelligence animating the physical as outlined in the preface. This aspect of identity (self) is known as the psychic being, soul, atman, or Higher Self and originally was the root word in the disciplined study of why we do the things we do, termed psychology. The key within this chapter is that the skill to produce this signature alignment in medical science is being taught via cardiac biofeedback modalities. Chapter Nine: Intent & Compassion: 123 Truth is Truth, Surfing the Flux of the Infinite Womb, Compassion, Compassion is Divine Mind’s Primal Intent, The Divine Creative Feminine, Metta, Loving-kindness, Karuna and Tong Len, Practice of Tong-Len, Bodhicitta
Compassion is not empathy, sympathy or pity. One feels for another with these, whereas in genuine compassion one feels as the other (selfless). This is the only emotionally selfless state. The art of developing and maintaining this uniquely powerful state is best outlined in the Buddhist spiritual science of Kaurna Metta and the practice of Tong Len. These evolved ancient practices begin with loving-kindness for one’s self begun by being genuine to one’s truth. This discussion relates back to the chapter on Truth. The ultimate goal is Bodhicitta which has two facets. The first is selfless altruistic service to relieve suffering while the ultimate facet is wisdom itself and a deep and genuine appreciation of the infinite openness. These two facets are reflected in the life and teaching of the man Jesus. Whether he learned it from Buddhist-Hindu missionaries, practices of specific Jewish acetic sects or by simply meditating in the wilderness, the stories demonstrate a direct understanding of these principles. In the end the man associated with the Shroud demonstrated the ultimate example of this experiential knowing during the crucifixion when he forgave his executioners. The degree of this experiential knowing was exhibited three days later with the resurrection and ascension into the Kingdom of Light. Chapter Ten: Breath: 137 Giving Breath A Quality, Anatomy of Breath
Chapter Eleven: Heart Rate Variability (HRV): 144 Heart Rate Variability (HRV), Frequency, Pranayama, Patanjali, Eightfold Path
Chapter Twelve: Siddhas and Siddhis: 156 Pilot Baba, Keiko Aikawa, Pam Reynolds, In the Blink of an Eye
Summary of Part One:
Sri Aurobindo in his epic work The Life Divine tells humanity that the “Impulse from the Divine” was evolving the creation of man into an entirely new life-form he referred to as “the Gnostic being” or “supramental being” and sometimes simply he referred to this new species as “the superman”. Hints to this potential future may be the message the Shroud intended for these times or it may be the first and third sayings of Jesus in the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas, #1... And he said, “Whoever discovers the interpretation of these sayings will not taste death.”#3…the (Father’s) kingdom is within you and it is outside you. When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will understand that you are children of the living Father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you live in poverty, and you are the poverty.” Part Two: The Science of Divinity; Illusion of Identity: 162 Chapter 13: Awareness: No Subject, Object nor Action, An elaborate presentation on No-thing: 164 The Arising of “I”, Identities of Mind - Forming of “I”, Ego, Soul, Heart, The Template of “I”, Qualitative Nature of Awareness, Ground of Reality, Dharma, St. Clare
One is past/future awareness, the other in now/present moment awareness and the third is timeless/eternal non-localized. The value and degree each of these three aspects holds determines the perspective and experience of reality. Understanding this allows them to operate in a more unified and unifying manner. Chapter 14: Quantum-Zero Point-& the Holographic Web: 188 The Split, Physics of Life, Quantum Physics, The Science of Movement, Superposition, Light Facts, Consciousness, Holographic Fractality, Zero Point Energy or the Electromagnetic Quantum Vacuum, Primary Perspective, Gaia, Shift of attitude and perspective
Added for emphasis are startling experimental results demonstrating that there is an extraordinary effect that’s coming back from the future and affecting the brain earlier in time. An effect Cleve Backster coined as Primary Perception. His meticulous research progressively undermined the notion of a universe comprised of discrete units. He proved that thoughts and emotions affect the behavior of their own and other living cells. He has scientifically demonstrated the reality of conscious, non-local, instantaneous communication between thoughts and living cells, even living cells at great distances. Lastly the Princeton Noosphere Consciousness Studies lab experiments demonstrating a global cohering factor in back ground random energy prior to large emotional global events. The material is outlined in order to allow the reader to see the direct correlating relationships to these two quotes. The first: “As a thing is viewed, so it appears,” from The Tibetan Book of the Great Liberation, the other from the book I Am That by Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj; “Look closely and you will see that all names and forms are but transitory waves on the ocean of consciousness, that only consciousness can be said to be, not its transformations. In the immensity of consciousness a light appears, a tiny point that moves rapidly and traces shapes, thoughts and feelings, concepts and ideas, like the pen writing on paper. And the ink that leaves a trace is memory. You are that tiny point, and by your movement the world is ever re-created. Stop moving and there will be no world. Look within and you will find that the point of light is the reflection of the immensity of light in the body, as the sense “I am”. There is only light, all else appears. To the mind, it [that light] appears as darkness. It can be known only through its reflections. All is seen in daylight - except daylight. To be the point of light tracing the world is turiya. To be the light itself is turiyatita.” Purpose of this material is to bridge current physics with the ancient wisdom taught by true masters of Reality. In doing so it releases the imagination to conceive of the premise of a conscious elevation in which the individual finalizes with a Great Completion, a Total Union with Big “C” consciousness. Chapter 15: Resonance: 217 Resonance
Understanding resonance allows the concept of harmonic attunement spoken of by spiritual teachers, to move from an abstract notion to a rational idea. It plays a central role in the final phase transition event theorized as cause in the Shroud’s image creation. The material also grounds the value of psychophysical practices found in all mystical traditions, which is to assist in the creation of a specific form of stable coherent resonance or in spiritual terms an aligned attunement allowing a union with the God Head. Chapter 16: Tuning to the Divine: 224 Coherency occurs at Equilibrium, Sun Rise on Stillness, Evolution-The Transformation of the Human Species
The best form for coherency to sustain waves is called a torus and the ideal torus would be one with a phi/golden mean relationship. A field cohered in this fashion optimizes symmetry, self- organization, recursion and fractality. The connection here is to see that a specific shape/relationship/proportioning idealizes coherency, which idealizes self-organization, self-referencing, sustainability and scale invariance; and that this produces a specifically unique resonance, one that harmonizes with the transition zone birthing our material universe into being. Chapter 17: Quantum Aum: 230 A Constant in Spiritual Traditions; AUM, Notion of a Constant in Physics, The Dance of Light, Divisionless Partitioning
The cosmology is introduced and correlated to the science of the Zero Point Field and the Hidden Harmony of the Word as read in the gospel of John 1:1. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the word was God.” Here we again see the bridge between these ancient Eastern spiritual-mystical philosophies and their sciences with our current understandings in physics. Our current physics is strengthened with the goal of supporting the theory of a man near death falling into a harmonic resonant alignment causing a radical shift within his physiology and ultimately causing a phase transition of the elements comprising the form held in superposition. In due course this results in the unique image found on The Shroud. Chapter 18: Sonoluminescence: 236 SL, The Unruh-Casimir Effect, SL and The Silent Gospel, The Body, The Physical Form
In brief, Quantum Field theory predicts that if the detector is accelerated, its ground state can be spontaneously excited even when moving through the vacuum. The Unruh Effect predicts radiation by non-inertially moving quantum mirrors. Furthermore, the accelerated detector will not find a vacuum but a thermal distribution of particles as if it were in a thermal bath of black-body radiation with a certain temperature coined the ‘Unruh temperature’. The Quantum Vacuum Radiation theory poses that where two media with different indices of refraction rapidly come together, this would facilitate the conversion of virtual photons into real photons. Furthermore the cascade of the imploding shock wave going superluminal would create an event horizon at the boundary between the two vacuum mirror states, being the physical standing wave (energy field) now a superconducting Meissner Field and the quantum vacuum. The interface of the two vacuum states, the two infinities, would cancel each other. The asymmetry in photon to virtual photon would result in a massive photon release. This simple experiment and resulting theoretical model are introduced as a direct visual event of what is theorized to occur during the Rainbow Body phenomenon. The object slightly expands and then implodes, vanishing from visual sight; resulting in an intense, brief, massive release of photons. The light (radiation) emitted by the vacuum surrounding the imploding field, results in the medium-forming Shroud image. Chapter 19: Golden Mean: 248 Fundamental Features of the Golden Mean, Numbers, Phi, The Principle of Phi, the Golden Ratio, Phase Singularity, The Form of Recursive Energy, Vortices, KAM tori, Stable Light, Dynamics of Condensation, Guided Within
This overview allows correlation in producing a dynamic toroidal field called a KAM-tori, which is simply a field of nested tori of various scales. This field, its shape (geometry) and corresponding resonance, is seamless multi-dimensional nesting and the foundational environment for phase transition to a higher more symmetrical stable state of existence. The human field is a KAM toroidal fractal when perceived through the energy domain. A vast array of oscillating platforms nested into a coherent whole, with information and energy being transferred constantly. When unified ideally by phi, a superconductive field (Meissner Field) would ensue and this field would ideally mirror the Zero Point Field. The interface of the two vacuum states, the two infinities, would cancel each other; the asymmetry in photon to virtual photon would result in a massive photon release at the event horizon of the former standing wave/energy field. Phi, the Golden Mean, allows the level of fractal symmetry required to idealize the field allowing for this process. Research using the heart feedback device shows that this fundamental ordering occurs electrically during receptive/loving moments when all three aspects of mind are in agreement. Chapter 20: Shroud Image Formation - Summary Conclusion: 272 One, The Shroud Image, The Great Completion, The Shroud Evidence, The Image, Chapter Synopsis, The Yellow Brick Road and Parallel Universes, Review of the Process of becoming a Son of God, Final Perfection, Perfectly Purified, The Immaculate Heart, Loving-Kindness, Souls Perspective, Grace Flows from Faith in Faith Itself, The Centering Process, Heart Center, Regulating Factors, A Unifying Harmony, Final Meditation, Electrical Nature, Human Potential and Human Evolution
The summary outlines steps and resulting processes from both the perspective of Western and Eastern sciences, giving details to what occurs when aware-consciousness, attunement with the ground state of all existence, creates Self-referencing Phi Coherent Resonance within the Standing-wave Field held in superposition. It produces a uniquely refined signature and self-organizing energy among all the individuated oscillating platforms comprising human architectures. Physics tells us that the geometry and resonance of this specific scale invariant waveform would produce implosive pressures producing a rapid phase transition in the elements back to their virtual state. The result of this implosive centering, current physics tells us, would be a large release of virtual photons at the event horizon of the imploding waveform. The cause is from the asymmetry produced between the imploding shock wave and neighboring field. The intense yet very, very brief virtual release would produce a coherent laser like mirroring onto the cloth creating the unique embedded holographic characteristics not able to be produced by normal radiation, as the standing wave of the physical form phase transitions to the realm of whole light. Highly developed skills of contemplation and concentration combined with specific qualitative energetic states are required to maintain this state. It is impossible to imagine from the day-to-day perspective most of us maintain, but to a soul that has shifted perspective so radically as to become selfless, the object of contemplation is total: union is achieved and the template holding the physical form releases and the elements phase transition into the Kingdom of Light. This follows rapidly in a cascade with centering pressures undergoing rapid stages of transition, just as the oxygen bubble does in the water during Sonoluminescence. The prerequisite is a perfectly purified heart. It speaks to the hidden, silent, embedded gospel imprinted on the Shroud and what this means for human potential and human evolution. Chapter 21: Purity of Heart: 313
Epilogue: Information and Energy: 316
This notion would parallel the ancient Veda s, where Brahman, the Godhead, Consciousness with the big “C”, exists independent, a state prior to all conceptions, actions or energy; a state prior to motive. Bibliography - List of Reference Books: 319 Reality is self-authenticating; you can not manipulate your way to awakening. It just spontaneously happens. You cannot storm the gates of heaven, you can just prepare for when self takes a vacations. You fall awake like going to sleep, you relax into it. It’s a spontaneous event like falling asleep. The harder you try, the harder it is. One key aspect is spontaneous yet it is not haphazard, a catalyst is necessary; that catalyst is genuine authentic interest, interest that leads to of inquiry of what desires, who really is doing the perceiving. All Rights Reserved - Copyright (c) 2007 James Andrew Barrett |