"The intent and hidden meaning left within the ancient fibers of The Shroud of Turin, The Silent Gospel, could only truly be unraveled during these times of technical sophistication, for only now do we have the tools required to explore the mysteries embedded by its creator." - James Andrew Barrett

The Silent Gospel - Glossary

These are my assigned interpretations

All Rights Reserved, Copyright 2007 James Andrew Barrett

Contact us to send comments or desired additions.


Algorithm : A procedure for solving mathematical problems, (as in finding the greatest common divisor) A repetition of operations. A branching Algorithm is the mathematical underpinning of fractal geometry.
Amino Acids : The building blocks of molecules, an organic acid containing an amine (ammonia-like) chemical group. These are made from the base triplet letters adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine, usually abbreviated into their letters, A, T, C, and G. The body puts these together in very specific ways to manufacture proteins.
Amplitude : The maximum change of a wave disturbance from the equilibrium position. Strength of charge also power. The strength or intensity of stimulation measured in volts. Amplitude, Frequency, and Phase are characteristics of wave energy, it can be thought of as the volume of a specific frequency.
Arrhythmia : An irregular heartbeat. This could be a rhythm that's abnormally slow (bradycardia) or a rhythm that's too fast (tachycardia).
Ascension : is a phase transition of the physical body; known also as the Great or Final Completion, attainment of the Rainbow, Wisdom or Golden Body; a higher level of harmonic symmetry.
Asymmetrical : Not symmetrical
ATP : adenosine triphosphate; the universal energy molecule, created in the mitochondria of your cells using energy derived from the food you eat. All the cellular activities in your body use the energy released by splitting ATP. Food is converted into complex carbohydrates, then ultimately to glucose. When the cell needs energy, which is constantly to some extent, it converts the glucose into ATD then ATP (adenosine triphosphate). This ATP is converted to energy by oxygen inside the mitochondria.
Attitude : The sub-modulating qualitative energy embedded within intent; a function of perspective.
Attention : Awareness can be divided and dispersed or laser like coherent. It can be one, many things, or focused onto one object. It is always colored by the attitude present - the detector and vectoring agent in the creation of reality and experience. Attention is always imbued with attitude.
Aspect of Mind : a facet of awareness, 1. Time-space, past-future, egoic/rational mind 2. Present moment, now, heart. 3. Timeless, eternal, non-local, witnessing, higher-self/soul/atman
Atma : (n) Sanskrit term for the level of self above ego. The Atman and the Soul are similar concepts.
AUM : is the cosmic constant, the primal causal movement; the foundation for space, time and the vibration principle; also known as Om, Amen, Amin, Hum and or the Word/logos.
Autonomic Nervous System : a primary branch of the central nervous consisting of sympathetic and parasympathetic aspects. Sympathetic and parasympathetic aspects automatically govern subconscious bodily functions.
Awareness : A facet/aspect of Consciousness or Pure Information and or Light created by a looping or mirroring; producing the sense of self, spaciousness, and movement. Awareness at all levels of experience is the same, differences lies in the degree of focused attention the perceiving aspect holds consciously. See mind.


BPM : Beats Per Minute
Biophotons : The photons emitted as part of an unknown biological luminescent process were dubbed "biophotons" by F. A. Popp to indicate simply their origin. Biophotons are photon (light) produced by cell activity, in a phenomenon also known as ultraweak bioluminescence and dark luminescence. Cells, like all objects animate and inanimate, emit a characteristic "black body " distribution of wavelengths of photons, in a manner directly related to temperature. Scientists studying this phenomenon are detecting a significant variance from the expected distribution of photons, as well as an additional coherence or coordination of the time when photons are emitted by distinct cells. The exact origin of this emission are unclear, but it is theorized that these emissions are part of a system of cell to cell communication (energy-information transference) that appears to act as a cohering factor, in that it appears that the cell/system stores photons and share via quantum mechanisms. Research in this expanding new field called "biophoton storage" indicates a greater level complexity and inter-relatedness compared to the standard modes of cell communication already known, such as chemical signaling. These new cohering energy-information transferences (communications) are important in the development and sustaining of larger structures such as the organs and it fills an important puzzle piece on the value of coherence in biological wellness.
Black Holes : theoretically, an object with a concentration of mass great enough to prevent even light from escaping its sphere of influence, hence the word "black." Theoretically, black holes can have any size and now considered to be apart of galaxy formation, see phase singularity.


Codons : Base for Amino Acids; Nucleotides triplets made from 4 base pairs. Each triplet is a codon for a specific amino acid. We use 20 different amino acids and 3 acting as off sequences. Each amino acid acts as a letter in an alphabet to build the words that make up our complex chemistry. The 64 potential codons are produced from the four- (4) different bases and their possible combinations. If combined in triplet form it gives (4 x 4 x 4 = 64) 64 separate Codons.
Coherence : A quality or state of cohering (bonding) together, electrically is having all waves in some measure of phase. Coherence suggests two or more becoming or acting as one - a mathematical algorithm expressing a quantitative measure of the spatial or temporal relationships between two or more parameters. Simple coherence is the ratio of the square of the absolute magnitude of the cross-spectral density function between two parameters and the product of the power spectral densities for each individual parameter. Coherence is suggestive of columniation, phase locking or phase discipline. Onset coherence in light is a laser. Coherence can be present within open and or close systems. Hints at symmetry.
Coherent Superposition : A multifaceted quantum state with phase relation among its different facets or possibilities. Objects exist in coherent superposition within the quantum domain.
Consciousness : 1. Consciousness literally means, con scire, which is to know with, or to know together. Therefore Consciousness is best understood in relationship, not as an isolated thing. Normal everyday Consciousness consists of experience and reflection on experience. The act of reflection amplifies an existing sense of being both agent and experiencer. Reflection is to self-reference which allows wave foci to recur; this is recursion, which then becomes self-awareness and small "c" consciousness. 2. Big "C" Consciousness; is a facet of Information and or Light; all are names pointing to a core omnipresent, information/intelligent Reality that acts as the ground of existence - a state or domain prior to dimensional existence - The creative pure potential aspect of Brahman or God - the Absolute core to existence.
Constructive : serving to improve; helpful, building, or adding to.
Chromosome : Microscopic, threadlike structures found in the nuclei of living cells, and also in cells without nuclei such as bacteria. They are made up of DNA and protein and contain chains of genes A chromosome is a grouping of coiled strands of DNA containing many genes. Most multi-cellular organisms have several chromosomes, which together comprise the genome. Sexually reproducing organisms have two copies of each chromosome, one from the each parent.
Cube : One of the five Platonic solids, having 12 edges, 6 faces and 8 vertices - a three-dimensional square.


deBroglie Wave : A wave associated with a body is often called its deBroglie Wave, as is the wave nature of electrons. The deBroglie-wavelength, measures the length of the wave in relation to a particle in movement.
DNA : Deoxyribonucleic Acid; DNA is a giant in the world of molecules, consisting of tens of millions of atoms; the backbone consists of two spiraling strands that are composed of chains of phosphoric acid.
Dimension : in geometry, a property of space. Three measures - breadth, width, and depth - are needed to define a volume. In mathematics and physics the concept of dimension is used more abstractly. The spaces with many dimensions that are used in mathematics and physics have no commonsense meaning, but are very powerful tools that are crucial to subjects like quantum physics. Also, dimension need not always be a whole number. For example, fractals are mathematical objects that have fractional dimension. Domain, Field and Space are alternative words used to describe alternative dimensions. String Theory currently has one of time and 10 of space.
Dodecahedron : One of the five Platonic solids having 30 edges, 12 faces, and 20 vertices.


ECG (electrocardiogram) : A recording of the heart's activity. For patients with a pacemaker, an ECG reading will be taken periodically to record how the pacemaker is interacting with the heart.
Ego : An aspect of mind functioning in past and or future. Survival is a goal.
Electron : The electron is one of a class of subatomic particles called leptons, which are believed to be fundamental particles (that is, they cannot be broken down into smaller constituent parts). The word "particle" is somewhat misleading however, because quantum mechanics shows that electrons also behave like a wave, birthing the concept of wave-particle or wavicles.
Elementary Particle : In particle physics, an elementary particle is a particle of which other, larger particles are composed. As an example, atoms are made up of smaller particles known as electrons, protons and neutrons. The proton and neutron, in turn, are composed of more elementary particles known as quarks. One of the outstanding problems of particle physics is to find the most elementary particles - or the so-called fundamental particles - which make up the other particles found in nature, and are not themselves made up of smaller particles. These ultra small particles are always entangled with quantum forces and their physics.
Electromagnetism : A theory that deals with the physical relations between electricity and magnetism, and which shows visible light to be part of a spectrum of electromagnetic radiation encompassing radio waves, microwaves, and x-rays as well as delta, theta and beta waves in the lower end of the spectrum.
Embedding : To fold in; see fractality.
Energy : In general, the capacity or power to produce an effect. In the technical sense of physics, energy is the property of a system that is a measure of its capacity for doing work. Work is technically defined as what is done when a force moves its point of application. Energy can be potential or kinetic, and it comes in a variety of forms: electrical, thermal, chemical, nuclear, radiant, and mechanical. In classical physics energy and information are linked like to sides of a single coin.
Endocrine System : A term for a group of glands, specifically the pituitary, thyroid, thymus, pancreas, adrenal, testes and ovaries. The heart is apart of this system in that it produces hormonal secretions.
Enlightenment : A level of experience, where a radical shift in perspective awakens to and eventually anchors in the witnessing aspect of pure awareness (soul intelligence). A Conscious Awareness of other aspects of self. The level or depth of the enlightenment depends on the experiencer ability to sustain the state. The terms Self-Realization, Being in Unity or Oneness, Illumination, Awakened, Being Reborn, Samadhi, Nirvana, all refer to these levels of direct experience.
Entrainment : Entrainment is the process through which frequency or the pulsation s of oscillators come into synch with each other. A product of power and phase; Oscillators can be mechanical or organic, and include anything that produces a rhythmic pattern of energy or movement. Entrainment can occur through amplitude, phase, and or modulation influences. A coherent heart phase couples the other oscillating platforms of the body by all three modes of influence.
Entropy : Entropy is defined by modern physics as the inevitable disorder within the universe and is a function of random action by particles as described by the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, which tells us that the propagation energy and direction of a particle can not be determined.
Equilibrium : Energy waves seek to achieve equilibrium or balance with their environment - a state of rest and balance, a coherent state.
Event Horizon : 1. The "surface" of a black hole is the so-called event horizon, an imaginary spheroidal surface surrounding the mass of the black hole. At the event horizon, the escape velocity is equal to the speed of light. Thus, anything inside the event horizon, including a photon, is prevented from escaping across the event horizon by the extremely strong gravitational field. 2. A portal to another dimension.


Fibonacci : born Leonardo Pisano, in Pisa, Italy about the year 1175 AD, and died in around 1250. Considered one of the greatest European mathematicians of the middle-ages.
Fibonacci Sequence : an algorithmic sequence of numbers. In this Golden Sequence, the sum of the previous two generates the next number in the sequence. 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144 & Discovered by studying mathematical progression in nature.
1 (1)
10 (2)
101 (3)
10110 (5)
10110101 (8)
1011010110110 (13)
101101011011010110101 (21)
FFT: Fast Fourier Transform : A numerical algorithm for quickly computing a Fourier Transform. See Fourier Transform
Fractal : From the Latin fractus meaning "broken, fragmented," coined by the mathematician Benoit B. Mandelbrot, geometric self-similarity, the central concept in the geometry of nature and in the theory of highly irregular systems known as chaos. Fractal geometry attempts to describe the shapes and objects of the real world.
Fractality : Amount of self-similarity; A Ratio dependent recurring pattern. The macro and the micro nest perfectly into each other - embedded form within a similar form. Examples are the pattern of a fern leaf or snowflake, See Mandelbrot.
Fractionation : The process of dividing, separating, partitioning, No long whole.
Frequency : Amplitude, Frequency, and Phase are characteristics of wave energy. Oscillation cycles over time; see Oscillation.
Field : 1. The area seen through a specific lens and/or perspective. 2. A region of space and or dimension in which a given affect (such as magnetism) exists. 3. A region of physical influence. Fields interrelate and interconnect matter and energy within their realm of influence. Fields are not a form of matter; rather, matter is energy bound within fields. In current physics, several kinds of fundamental field are recognized: the gravitational and electromagnetic fields and the matter fields of quantum physics. Sheldrake’s morphic fields govern like objects.
Fourier Transformation : A mathematical digital filtering process that finds specific frequency signals as informational signals within chaotic signal environments.
Fundamental : The base organizing a harmonic, frequency or resonance. In music theory, the concept of the fundamental goes something like this: all natural sounds that have a distinctive pitch-like quality consist of a combination of many frequencies that are called harmonics. These harmonic sets of frequencies are related in a simple way by the lowest-frequency harmonic called the fundamental. The other harmonics present are multiples of the fundamental, that is, two times the fundamental frequency, three times, four times, and so forth. The relatedness of the fundamental to the higher harmonic is in resonant proportion. This lowest-frequency set always correlates to the higher sets in a directly proportional way. With this knowledge one needs only look at the relationships of the high frequencies present in the central cardiac matrix when the harmonic is coherent, to see what the fundamental ordering the harmonic might be. The base resonance attracts and entrains through the power and length of the cycle. It is not as affected by interference as are the higher realms of the spectrum. The ultra long span of time one cycle takes to complete serves as a cohering agent and platform for the dance of much higher frequencies. No matter how many different instruments are involved they all follow in a tuned manner the base timing called the beat or rhythm, even if hidden or implied. This base beat, this base-harmonic-resonant relationship is the core fundamental. It is my contention that this core fundamental is always in resonance with the Zero Point domain. Rationally it can not, not be, since at the core all the component parts of the physical objective world are composed by these quantum-entangled parts. It is only the high frequency domains (sets and harmonics) that stray from the Hidden Harmony. Always present at the core of all mass are the building blocks of raw energy and primal intelligence holding it is latticed form.


Geometry : (Greek geo, "earth"; metrein, "to measure"), branch of mathematics that deals with the properties of space. In its most elementary form geometry is concerned with such metrical problems as determining the areas and diameters of two-dimensional figures and the surface areas and volumes of solids. Other fields of geometry include analytic geometry, descriptive geometry, analysis situs or topology, the geometry of spaces having four or more dimensions, fractal geometry, and non-Euclidean geometry.
Golden Mean : A proportion with a ratio of 1 to 1.618… an irrational number.  See Phi.


Hawking Radiation : is radiation emitted by Black Holes. It is named after British physicist Stephen Hawking who worked out the theoretical basis for its existence.
Harmonic :  1. A set of frequencies. 2. Pleasing balance or order. 3. The signature of a complex sound; chords.
Heart : The heart is a gland-muscle-organ about the size of your fist.  That weighs approximately one pound in an average person and is located behind and slightly to the left of the breastbone. It pumps about 5 quarts (4.7 liters) of blood every minute or 1800 gallons (6768 liters) of blood every day. The function of the heart as a muscle is to circulate blood (nutrients) throughout the body. Pumping blood through the lungs removes carbon dioxide and refreshes the blood with oxygen. The oxygenated blood is pumped to the body to provide oxygen and nutrients and to remove waste products. It is the main oscillator for the physical body. The heart communicates information and energy, electrically, chemically, acoustically, ions-nerve activity and through quantum mechanical processes. A healthy heart beats steadily and rhythmically at a rate of about 60 to 100 beats per minute when at rest (normal sinus rhythm). During strenuous exercise, the heart can increase the amount of blood it pumps up to four times the amount it pumps at rest, within only a matter of seconds.
The heart’s structure has four chambers with one-way flaps called valves.
The atria are the upper chambers and they receive blood that is being returned to the heart. The right atrium receives blood with little oxygen because the blood has already circulated throughout the body delivering oxygen and nutrients. The left atrium fills with newly oxygenated blood returning from the lungs. When the atria pump (contract), they push the blood through valves (tricuspid and mitral) into the relaxed ventricles. When the ventricles contract, the right ventricle pumps blood through the pulmonary valve into the lungs. The left ventricle pumps blood through the aortic valve to the body, including the heart (through coronary arteries). This continuous cycle of synchronized contractions is driven by the heart's electrical system.
Heart's Electrical System : A healthy heartbeat begins in the sinus node (sinoatrial or SA node, the heart’s natural pacemaker), which is located in the right atrium. This impulse signal originates at the SA Node and requires no external signal to operate.  Through special pathways called conduction pathways, the electrical harmonic signal informs a cascade of reactions. The electrical signal from the sinus node starts an electrical chain reaction that spreads across both atria, much like ripples on the calm surface of a pond. This causes the atria to contract and pump blood into the ventricles. This electrical chain reaction continues from the atria through an area between the atria and ventricles called the atrioventricular (AV node or AV junction). The AV node connects to conduction pathways that relay the signal to the ventricles. The AV node acts as an electrical gateway to the ventricles. The conduction pathways deliver the signals to the ventricles and the ventricles pump blood to the body. An irregularity in the heart’s electrical system is called an arrhythmia, or heart rhythm disorder. Rhythm disorders can cause the heart to beat too slowly (bradycardia) or too fast (tachyarrhythmia). The base resting heart rate (normal sinus rhythm) increase with demands even perceived /imagined demands to the body. The heart can increase the amount of blood being pumped to four times the resting amount within seconds. When heart cells in the upper heart chambers (atria) receive an electrical signal, they contract (pump) and then relax. The blood from the atria is pumped into the relaxed lower heart chambers (ventricles) and then the ventricles pump blood to the body. When an ECG/EKG is taken the analog electrical signal is received at the skin. This combined electrical signal radiates out from the body at least ten feet. The geometry of the waveform produced is a torus.
Heartbeat Rate : by convention, the number of times the heart beats in 60 seconds.
Heart Intelligence : 1. Knowing specific to the heart. Not associated with rational thought - intuitive and/or qualitative knowing. A sense that is not one of the main five (sight, smell, hearing, touch, and or taste.) 2. A physical charge created by the synchronization of heart, soul and mind, felt as truth or being genuine.
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) : 1. A spectral analysis of the rate at which the heartbeat changes in time, related to respiration and the Autonomic Nervous System with attributes of amplitude, frequency. Good HRV is understood as balance between the parasympathetic and sympathetic branches of the Autonomic Nervous System because the information is electrical it can best be understood as a phase relationship. "HRV is a simple measure of the beat-to-beat degree of evenness of consecutive heartbeats. A decrease in HRV means the beat-to-beat time interval is more and more the same. The more even (metronome-like) the frequency changes, the lower the HRV. Conversely, the more uneven the frequency changes, the greater the HRV." This is Dr. Irving Dardik’s explanation. 2. A field of cardiac research. Good HRV might be understood as an electrical phase fractal environment with a net of producing internal coherent balance.
Heterodyning : the piggybacking of waves, relating to an electronic process in which two alternating currents of different frequency mix to produce a new super heterodyne, a modulated carrier wave and one added by an oscillator in the receiving equipment are mixed.
Homeostasis : the tendency of all self-regulating organisms to resist change. The desire of an organism to remain in equilibrium, related conceptually to Entropy and Quantum Drag.
Hypothalamus : an area of the brain that is believed to be the command center for instructions to the endocrine system.


Immanent: Something existing in the realm of the material universe and/or human consciousness. (Compare with transcendent.)
Implosion:  All forces moving inward. The action of going to a center point from all directions is the opposite of explosion.
Interference: 1.The intermingling of waves causes the event of interference, the process can be constructive or destructive or a little of both. When two waves meet at a point, the resulting displacement of that point will be the sum of the displacements produced by each of the waves. If the displacements are in the same direction, the two waves reinforce each other; if the displacements are in the opposite direction, the waves counteract each other. This phenomenon is known as interference. Interference of any type causes rearrangement of the patterns.
Information: To inform literally means to put into form or shape. Information is now generally taken to be the source of form or order in the world; information is informative and plays the role of a formative cause. 1. In science, information refers to pattern, form, and structure. One of the fundamental non-material concepts used throughout the sciences. 2. Appears able to exist in other dimensions prior to energy. A state of potentiality.
Inertia: The tendency of any state of affairs to persist in the absence of external influences. Specifically, in physics, it is the tendency of a body to maintain its state of uniform motion unless acted on by an external force. The unit of measure for inertia is the same as for mass. The equivalence of mass and inertia seems to hold true according to all empirical evidence. In theory they are sometimes regarded as being separate qualities. When one speaks of inertia one always deals with accelerated motion or resistance to movement. In order to formulate a theory in which there is no necessity of assuming absolute space, it would have to be a theory in which the existence of inertia is due to an interaction of local matter with distant matter, a theory in which the existence of inertia is due to interaction of local matter with all of the matter in the universe. Albert Einstein named this Mach’s principle. 2. The term is also used in psychology to describe a person's resistance to change.
Intelligence: 1. The ability to use knowing. 2. Self-referencing, self-organizing abilities.
Intent:  1. motive; 2. qualitative energy imbuing attention. 3. The quality or texture of the energy underlying action; resides at the core of choice/choosing. This qualitative energy falls into two basic categories, fear/contraction or love/receptive expansion.
Intention: a conscious or subconscious aim, goal or purpose; making a choice. The motive behind any action or thought, always being modulated by the long carrier waves associated with qualities/attitudes.
Interference: 1.The intermingling of waves causes the event of interference, the process can be constructive or destructive or a little of both. When two waves meet at a point, the resulting displacement of that point will be the sum of the displacements produced by each of the waves. If the displacements are in the same direction, the two waves reinforce each other; if the displacements are in the opposite direction, the waves counteract each other. This phenomenon is known as interference. Interference of any type causes rearrangement of the patterns.
Introns: Introns are sequences of "junk" DNA found in the middle of gene sequences. These sequences are excised before the mRNA is translated into a protein. The function of Introns is not known. One theory has them acting to code, at higher levels of coherent stimulation, may play a role in ascension process.
Invariant: Something invariant is something that does not change under a set of transformation. The property of being an invariant is called invariance.
Examples include:
·       Euclidean distance is invariant under orthogonal transformations.
·       The cross-ration is invariant under projective transformations.
·       The determinant and the trace of a square matrix are invariant under changes of basis.
·       The singular values of a matrix are invariant under orthogonal transformations.
·       Acceleration is invariant under the Galilean transformations.
·       The speed of light invariant under the transformations of special relativity. Time invariance implies that energy is conserved; translational invariance implies that momentum is conserved, and rotational invariance implies that angular momentum is conserved.
Ions: Normally, atoms are electrically neutral. The negative electrical charges of the electrons orbit around the nuclei. When an atom is stripped of one or more of its orbital electron, it is called an ion, and it has a positive electrical charge. Alternatively, an atom may gain an extra electron and thereby have a net negative electrical charge. When a molecule contains one or more ions, it is a radical. This electrical imbalance makes radicals extremely reactive, eager to combine with another molecule. Biologists use the term free radical to denote electrically unbalanced molecules that attack the molecules in living cells. The body has natural defenses against free radicals: proteins produced by the cells that attack and destroy oxidant molecules. Macrophages, the form of white blood cell that kills invading bacteria, parasites, or cells infected with viruses. A macrophage can digest an alien bacterium in less then a hundredth of a second. They engulf their prey with powerful chemicals called enzymes. Unfortunately, oxidizing free radicals are produced as a by-product of the macrophage’s work. These free radicals are killed in the blood by other enzymes such as catalase.  Most of the free radicals are killed but not all of them. The paradox continues: the thing needed for life oxygen is the major cause of aging of the cell and the cell’s defensives.


Jitter: A phenomenon that affects the performance of lasers is known as 'jitter'. Jitter occurs due to a lack of coherence at the subatomic level caused by a lack of phase alignment within the long-waves lengths governing the properties of these small bits of matter. Jitter is conceptualized as quantum noise that affects the performance and thereby limiting the use of lasers in many applications.



Laser: The onset of coherence in radiation (light) is a laser. Laser is an acronym that stands for Light Amplification through Stimulated Emission of Radiation. In a laser, a coherent light is produced in a device consisting of special gas or a crystal. A phenomenon that affects the performance of lasers is known as 'jitter'.
Light:  1. Generally infers Energy. 2. Visible light is a slice of the known Electromagnetic Spectrum. 3. Light can be Radiant, which is scattered or it can be coherent. Coherent light has all the photons moving in order. 4. Speed of photon travel; 186,000 miles per second. 5. The ground of existence. 6. Spiritually conceptually interrelated with big “C” Consciousness, Truth and big “R” Reality. 7. Information prior to energy.
Logos: 1. Cause; the Divine Expression: “The Word”. Spiritually analogous (early on) to amen, amun, aum, hum, the word and now in western texts, om.
Love:  1. A non-judging emotional state. 2. A state born from knowing the true nature of ones self; Self-realization. 3. Spiritual masters tell us that Love is the Law and is analogous to God/Truth/Reality. Love is related to the organic sense that arises organically with Enlightenment. Compassion is love in action.


Mandelbrot: Benoit B. (1924- ), Polish-born French mathematician who developed fractal geometry as a separate field of mathematics.
Mass: According to relativity theory, mass and energy are mutually transformable, and material systems are now regarded as forms of energy.
Matter: 1; “From one point of view, matter is the grossest form of spirit. From another, spirit is the subtlest form of matter." Sri Aurobindo 2; Matter, in science, general term applied to anything that has the property of occupying space and the attributes of gravity and inertia. In Modern physicists, has shown that it is possible to transform matter into energy and energy into matter and have thus broken down the classical distinction between the two concepts. (When dealing with a large number of phenomena, however, such as motion, the behavior of liquids and gases, and heat, scientists find it simpler and more convenient to continue treating matter and energy as separate entities.) Certain elementary particles of matter combine to form atoms; in turn, atoms combine to form molecules. The properties of individual molecules and their distribution and arrangement give to matter in all its forms various qualities such as mass, hardness, viscosity, fluidity, color, taste, electrical resistively, and heat conductivity, among others. 3. In philosophy, matter has been generally regarded as the raw material of the physical world, although certain philosophers of the school of idealism, such as the Irish philosopher George Berkeley, denied that matter exists independent of the mind. The world of matter is sometimes known as Maya meaning illusion. 4. Current thinking is that all matter is electromagnetic phenomenon as such able to be modulated.
Meissner Effect: The Meissner effect is the total exclusion of any magnetic flux from the interior of a superconductor. Discovered by Walter Meissner and Robert Ochsenfeld in 1933 and it is often referred to as perfect diamagnetism or the Meissner-Ochsenfeld effect. The Meissner effect is one of the defining features of superconductivity, and its discovery served to establish that the onset of superconductivity is a phase transition.
The exclusion of magnetic flux is brought about by electrical "screening currents" that flow at the surface of the superconducting material and which generate a magnetic field that exactly cancels the externally applied field inside the superconductor. These screening currents are generated whenever a superconducting metal is brought inside a magnetic field. This may be understood from the fact that a superconductor has zero electrical resistance (so the "eddy currents" induced by motion of the metal inside a magnetic field will not decay). However, the screening currents also appear in a situation where an initially normal conducting metal is placed inside a magnetic field, as soon as the metal is cooled below the transition temperature (such that it becomes superconducting). This expulsion of magnetic field on cooling down the metal cannot be explained any more by merely assuming zero resistance. It shows that the superconducting state does not depend on the history of preparation (only on the present values of temperature, pressure and magnetic field), and therefore is a true thermodynamic state.
Superconducting magnetic levitation is due to the Meissner effect (which repels a permanent magnet) and flux pinning, which stops the magnet from sliding away.
Memory: The capacity for remembering, recalling, recollecting, or recognizing. In Sheldrake’s hypothesis of formative causation, memory in its various forms, both conscious and unconscious, is due to Morphic Resonance. Memory appears to have quantum mechanical processes involved at the smallest architectures.
Mind: aspects of awareness; fragmented Consciousness.
Mitochondria: structures in cells that act as power plants.
Molecule: The smallest amount of a chemical substance that is capable of independent existence. Each kind of molecule has a characteristic atomic composition, a specific structure, and specific physical and chemical properties. Largest molecule in the human body is DNA.
Morphic Field: A field within and around a morphic unit which organizes its characteristic structure and pattern of activity. Morphic fields underlie the form and behavior of holons or morphic units at all levels of complexity. The term morphic field includes morphogenetic, behavioral, social, cultural, and mental fields. Morphic fields are shaped and stabilized by morphic resonance from previous similar morphic units, which were under the influence of fields of the same kind. They consequently contain a kind of cumulative memory and tend to become increasingly habitual.
Morphic-Resonance: Shape-Resonance information-energy transference via shape. See morphology.
Morphic Unit: A unit of form or organization.
Morphology: Shape-ology. Morph also means to change shape; Occurs during phase transition events, normally to higher states of symmetry.


Natural Frequency: Any oscillating object has a natural frequency, which is the frequency an oscillating object tends to settle into if it is not disturbed. For example, the natural frequency of a pendulum 1 m (39 in) long is 0.5 Hz, which means the pendulum swings back and forth once every 2 seconds. If the pendulum is struck lightly once every 2 seconds, the amplitude of the swing increases gradually until the amplitude of oscillation is very large. The phenomenon in which a relatively small, repeatedly applied force causes the amplitude of an oscillating system to become very large is called resonance. Many of the serious vibration problems in engineering are caused by resonance.
Neuron: Fundamental functioning unit of a nerve tissue.
Neuro-immunology: Nervous system as related to the immune system; the study of the interconnectedness of the nervous and immune systems.
Neural Networks: In computer, self-learning programs.
Neuropeptides: Small amino acid chains found throughout the body that are the base for the charge of emotion. Peptides & polypeptides are amino acid chains smaller then proteins.
Neurotransmitter: one of the many chemicals that carry impulses between nerve cells.
Neutrino: An uncharged elementary particle thought to have no mass.
Nucleotide: Nucleotides are nitrogen-containing molecules which link together to form strands of DNA and RNA.


Oscillator: A mechanical or biological regulator of beat/rhythm; a regulator of energy. Oscillation: (vibrational swings) in physics, chemistry, and engineering, repeated motion back and forth past a central neutral position, or position of equilibrium. A single motion from one extreme position to the other and back, passing through the neutral position twice, is called a cycle. The number of cycles per second, or hertz (Hz), is known as the frequency of the oscillation. A set of oscillations is a harmonic.
Omniscience: Literally, "all knowing." A term used in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, which points to the unconditional character of the divine knowledge of God. An infallible knowledge transcending the subject-object structure of finite human existence, in which God knows all things, past, present, and future.


Peptides: Ultra Small amino acid chains, neuropeptides are one class of.
Perspective: 1. The lens awareness flows through in creating reality. The lens comprises the degree each aspect of mind (heart, soul or egoic) carries at that moment, the motive and resulting qualitative charge of energy present. 2. Perspective is the anchor for ones sense of identity; Determines how and what aspect of reality is experienced.
Phase: Greek phasis meaning 'appearance, 'synchronized or correlated, reoccurring cycle, rotation, oscillations cycles. 2. Angle between waves. One of the three characteristics of wave energy, the other is frequency and amplitude.
Phase Conjugate Mirror: Add energy and you have a Laser
Phase Singularity: The center of a toroidal standing wave, the still point all waves move into and out of. Think of a phase singularity as the location where all the longitude lines (waves of energy) merge into a diaphanous ambiguity at the South Pole. The dot at the center is the timeless Zero Point where the spin of vortex energy enters one-pointedness. The tip of the tornado; this one-pointedness is a singularity. It is the zone of self-referencing for superposition.
Phase Transitions: In physics, a phase transition is the transformation of a thermodynamic system from one phase to another. Phase transitions often (but not always) take place between phases with different symmetry. Generally, we may speak of one phase in a phase transition as being more symmetrical than the other. H2O-Water phase transitions from gas to ice to water in any order. Order is dependent on conditions, such as heat or energy present.
Phi:  1. An irrational number with a numerical quantity that approximately equals 1.6180339. 2.  A mathematical and/or geometric proportion having a ratio of 1.6180339 to the whole. 3. A relationship of 1 to 0.6180339.  4. Related to The Golden Mean, Golden Proportion, Golden Section, etc. 5. The ancients called this proportional symbol golden and early Christians related it to the “Son of God”. It is considered the primal partitioning of One and the only path that in expanding out maintains a return path to its source. Related in biology is the Fibonacci sequence. A foundational root of the quantum vacuum.
Photon: The name given to a small bundle or quantum of electromagnetic energy. It is used when describing the particle-like behavior of electromagnetic waves (including light waves).
A Photon is a quantum of excitation of the quantised electromagnetic field. Photons are believed to be fundamental particles. Their lifetime is infinite. Photons are often loosely associated to light, to which they relate only for a very narrow frequency window of the spectrum. Even there, light is commonly encountered in quantum states which are not pure photons but superpositions of different numbers of photons, to wit, either coherent superpositions (so-called coherent states) describing coherent light such as the one emitted by an ideal laser, or chaotic superpositions (so-called thermal states) describing light in thermal equilibrium (blackbody radiation). Photons can be produced in a variety of ways, including emission from electrons as they change energy states or orbitals. They can also be created by nuclear transitions, particle-antiparticle annihilation or any fluctuations in an electromagnetic field.
In a vacuum, photons move at the speed of light c, defined equal to 299 792,458 m/s (this is a definition and hence does not suffer any experimental uncertainty).
They have zero invariant mass but a definite finite energy at the speed of light. Even so, the theory of general relativity states that they are affected by gravity, and this is confirmed by observation.
In a material, they couple to the excitations of the media and behave differently. For instance when they couple to phonons their speed gets lower than the speed of light.
Phonon Wave: - when sound travels in liquid it is call a phonon wave. The beat of the heart produces a phonon wave that travels throughout the body.
Phyllotaxis: Is the name for the process of positioning leaves on a stem. A process that allows for the maximum sharing of the available light, from the top down view this arrangement occurs in Golden Mean ordering.
Pi: 3.14159… Transcendental number, (the ratio between the diameter and circumference of a circle) and stated that numerically it lays between 3 10/70 and 3 10/71.
Placebo: an inert compound usually given to a portion of the subjects in a scientific experiment, in order to distinguish the psychological effects of the experiment from the physiological effects of the drug being tested.
Planck’s Length: is a base unit of measurement equal to a millionth, millionth, millionth, millionth of a centimeter. This is a mathematical equation not something verifiable with devises of any kind.
Platonic solids: From Plato, the base shapes of structure and form. The five regular Platonic solids are; Tetrahedron, Cube, Octahedron, Icosahedron, Dodecahedron.
Polarity: When two waves of equal frequency expressing polarity are arranged with positive and negative cycles in phase - they will be drawn to each other. When two waves of the same frequency interact but are out of phase - they will repel each other.
Power: as related to frequencies; see Amplitude
Proportion: Ratio; one to another. Implies relationship; the relationship of one to another creates proportion.
Protein: large amino acid chains found in biology. A complex organic molecule composed of many amino acids linked together in chains, called polypeptide chains. The sequence of amino acids is specified by the sequence of nucleotides in the DNA of genes. There may be one or more such chains in a protein, and the chains are folded up into characteristic three-dimensional configurations. Proteins are found in all living organisms, and there are many different kinds of protein molecule. Many proteins are enzymes, the catalysts of biochemical reactions; others play a variety of structural and other roles.
Pythagoras: ancient Greek mathematician.


Qualities: 1. Subtle energy imbuing motive (intent) and attention; energetic attunements that give meaning to objects. 2. The base filter in the lens of perspective; Reality creating and choice making both consciously and subconsciously have Awareness concentrated by attention which is imbued with intent which always has a specific quality attached. See intent
Quanta: Plural of quantum; from Latin for how much, a quantity or an amount. Discrete quantities of electromagnetic radiation are quanta.
Quantum: Quantum (plural quanta); A quantum will be the smallest packet of energy by which a quantized system can change. So, in the photo-electric effect, only light in packets larger than this limit can eject an electron from a metal surface.
Quantum Coherence: Coming out of quantum theory, it is the ability of atoms to act as one regardless of distance. Quantum Coupling and Quantum Entanglement are related subjects. Quantum physicists often attribute communication between non-physical realms and the physical realms to these physical phenomena, called "quantum coherence". In certain "special" situations like coherent light (lasers) and superconductivity, multiple particle aggregations has been proven to become coherent and behave as if they were single particles. These coherent systems of particles exhibit quantum properties like quantum non-locality where a force administered to one particle may be instantly reflected in a response in another quantum coupled particle any distance away. This coupled response is instantaneous regardless of distance, and is taken to be evidence of communication between the two particles, which is independent of space and time.
Certain researchers like Popp, Rein, and Mae-Wan Ho have measured time coherent events in the body. Physical Coherence might be seen as reflecting this level of communication. See Coherent Superposition
Quantum Coupling: see Quantum Entanglement
Quantum Entanglement: allows two particles or ultra-small architectures to behave as one, no matter how far a part they are. Occurs through quantum coupling which is an effect of Quantum Coherence
Quantum Drag: see jitter
Quantum Theory, also Quantum Mechanics; in physics, a theory based on using the concept of the quantum unit to describe the dynamic properties of subatomic particles and the interactions of matter and radiation. The foundation was laid by the German physicist Max Planck in 1900. He postulated that energy can be emitted or absorbed by matter only in small, discrete units called quanta. Also fundamental to the development of quantum mechanics was the Uncertainty Principle, formulated by the German physicist Werner Heisenberg in 1927, which states that the position and momentum of a subatomic particle cannot be specified simultaneously. 2. The current working model in physics for subatomic structures, Special Relativity, Einstein’s Theory is the opposing theory used successfully for larger objects. Currently there is no unifying theory bridging the two.


Radiation: is the release (emitting) of stored energy; particles (objects) can emitted in a random (scattered) fashion like the sun or light bulb or coherent fashion like a laser.
Recur: happen again, implies repeating process.
Recursion: A process; Self-iteration, to happen or come up or show up again repeatedly. Implies a looping or turning back in on itself; see Recursion :-)
Recursive: something that exhibits recursion; within pattern becomes the characteristic fingerprint of fractality.
Resurrection: A physical event arising from death and/or ignorance; associated with Ascension into the Kingdom of Light.
Resurrection of the body: The belief that after death one's departed soul will be restored, or resurrected, to a bodily life in heaven.
Resurrection, General: A doctrine which states that at a point in time (called the parousia, or "Second Coming") God will cast a final judgment on humanity and raise into heaven both the "saved" who are currently living, as well as the saved who have been dead.
Resurrection, Immediate: A doctrine that states that after one's death there is no intermediate state, such as purgatory, before one's soul enters its eternal state. In other words, immediately following death, one's soul enters its final place of rest.
Revelation: is an unguarded vision.
RNA: Ribonucleic Acid; RNA is an information encoded strand of nucleotides, similar to DNA, but with a slightly different chemical structure. There are three main forms of RNA, each a slightly different function.
1. mRNA (messenger RNA) is the mediating template between DNA and proteins. The information from a particular gene is transferred from a strand of DNA by the construction of a complementary strand of RNA through a process known as transcription.
2. tRNA(transfer RNA), - Next three nucleotide segments of RNA, called tRNA which are attached to specific amino acids, match up with the template strand of mRNA to order the amino acids correctly.
3. rRNA (ribosomal RNA), These amino acids are then bonded together to form a protein. This process, called translation occurs in the ribosome, which is composed of proteins and the third kind of RNA , rRNA (ribosomal RNA)


SA node: see Sinoatrial Node
Scalar: Scalar refers to a quantity that has magnitude or size, but no motion. An example of a scalar quantity is pressure; when applied to field theory scalar refers to fields of potential, energy, and information that lie outside of the usual spectrum of electromagnetic energy. Scalar fields may be coupled with electromagnetic phenomenon. The standard definition of scalar waves is that they are created by a pair of identical (or replicant) waves (usually called the wave and its antiwave) that are in phase spatially, but out of phase temporally. That is to say, the two waves are physically identical, but 180 degrees out of phase in terms of time. The net result is that scalar waves are a whole different animal from normal Hertzian waves. They even look different - like an infinitely projected Mobius pattern on axis.
Scale Invariance: Ratio dependent, not depending on scale. Invariant is something that does not change under a set of transformation. Scale invariance implies ratio dependency, during transformations.
Self: The sense of “I” produced by the forming of awareness and resulting projections termed mind.
Self-aware: The ability to reference within this sense of “I” (self). Realization, I Am, that I Am.
Self-organizing: Primary action required to exist. A characteristic of an evolved state; implies communication, a process of constructive self-referencing.  Biology self-organizes from seed/zygote/egg in order to complete the form.
Self-Reference: A looping back process of any stimulus, processes producing self detection.  The product of this process by consciousness produces awareness and the experiencer - the ability to retrieve and build on constructively.
Self-Similar: Symmetry across size or scale, a characteristic of fractality.
Sinoatrial Node (SA node): A group of cells located in the right atrium that sends out electrical signals which make the heart pump. Medically the SA node is seen as the heart's natural pacemaker. These signals travel through conductive pathways from the SA node, through the atrioventricular (AV) node, and then to the rest of the heart. The SA node responds to imagined, perceived or actual physical needs with the appropriate blood circulation. This electrical signal is the impulse for a cascade of information energy events by several transferences modes. It appears to be the self-referencing singularity for the standing wave form of the physical architectures. See Heart’s Electrical System
Sonoluminescence: Means Light created from sound and is a process that uses pulsed sound waves to change structures into new particles, elements plasma and or energy.
Sound: Related to Breath Latin spiritus and old French spiare, rising on of the root for spirit, Audible distinction of; from the Sanskrit svanati; Latin sonus to the French son From the concept of the primordial movement AUM. Translated electromagnetic pressure waves.
Soul: Individuated Spirit; higher self, an immortal/timeless aspect of mind produced by the creation of the “I” sense formed by mirroring of awareness. In Eastern philosophy the Atma(n) is a similar concept to soul. Souls appear to have agendas having to do with the evolution of consciousness itself. Ego wish survival , heart peace and soul aware consciousness.
Space-time: A continuum of four dimensions (3 spatial and 1 temporal) in which any object or event can be located. String Theory has 1 temporal and 10 spatial
Spectrum: referring all; the whole, or entire; i.e. Color spectrum, the electromagnetic spectrum, or the energy spectrum. The spectrum of brain frequencies in Hertz, from Tom Kenyon’s book, he credits Valerie Hunt for the statistics.
Super High Beta=35-150Hz
K-Complex =33-35Hz
High Beta =16-32Hz
Beta = 12-16Hz
Alpha = 8-12Hz
Theta = 4-8Hz
Delta = 0.5-4Hz
All Heart Rate Variability (HRV) data is below 0.5 Hertz
Spectrum Analysis: is looking at the frequencies within selected sound, energy or light. It’s a viewing of the energy within a given package. Playing a cord on a piano, looking at what keys are hit to make that cord sound.
Spin: Oscillation trapped into rotation.
Standing Wave: A vibrational pattern created within a medium when the vibrational frequency of a source causes reflected waves from one end of the medium to interfere with incident waves from the source in such a manner that specific points along the medium appear to be standing still. A wave package held in superposition via referencing.
Stochastic: pertains to math, to chance or conjecture, random variables and in probability theory, a system.
Subatomic level: smaller architecture-particles than atoms; items inside the nucleus. Chemist Moon, University of Chicago shows the parts inside the nucleus arrange themselves like the Platonic solids, even like the shells of the electrons.
Subharmonic: Frequencies within the harmonic, structure of the harmonic. When two waveforms oscillate with each other, a third, sub-harmonic waveform, is generated which will now oscillate together with the original two. The sub-harmonic is the energy vibrations created between the notes struck. Simply when two notes are struck they create a third.
Superconductivity: is a phenomenon occurring in certain materials, characterized by the complete absence of electrical resistance and the damping of the interior magnetic field. See Meissner Effect
Superluminal: Faster then the conventional speed of light.
Symbol: A shape or form that transmits a nonlinear vibration and or information, similar to intuitive. Some have archetypical energies, example, numbers, letters and universal pictographs. Symbol affects, often form that points to something other then its self, example a; word or a sign. A symbol can represent something as large as a concept or modality.
Symmetry:  A principle of symmetry exists in physics, biology, mathematics, and mineralogy. Arrangement of various parts, producing a proportionate mirror balanced form.  Symmetry is a characteristic of geometrical shapes, equations and other objects; we say that such an object is symmetric with respect to a given operation if this operation, when applied to the object, does not appear to change it. The three main symmetrical operations are reflection, rotation and translation. ---When internal symmetries do not operate the same way but instead can be different at each point in space-time, they are called gauge symmetries. Theorists currently hope to reduce all such symmetries to gauge symmetries in their effort to develop a grand unification theory that can incorporate all of the fundamental interactions of matter.


Torus: Plural is tori, adjective is toroid, or toroidal, is the surface formed by bending a cylinder into a ring. In geometry; a surface generated by rotating a circle around an axis that is in the plane of the circle, but that does not intersect the circle.  2. Certain torus are embeddable, they pump each other in symbiotic mutuality, and create a very long life stable system that can be regarded as a space-time anchor. These torus knot shells are amazingly infinitely embeddable. Thus if we embed a torsion knot in between the magnetic knot and the electric knot we obtain a harmonic system that changes topology gradually from one shell to the other. Tori produce and exhibit symmetry and are idealized by the golden mean.
Transcendence: rising above the common.
Transcendental: a number, with a non-repeating infinite decimal, that is not expressible as the root or quotient of integer.
Transcendent: Something beyond the material universe and our experience or knowledge of it. (Compare immanent).
Thymus: the master gland of the immune system located behind the breastbone.



Vertex: point of an angle as in the points where the twelve edges of a cube formed by the six equal square sides/faces. Vertices: plural of vertex.
Virtual: something like a particle or photon whose existence can be inferred from indirect evidence.
Vortex: a spiral, spinning energy or mass, a shape similar to a tornado or water spinning down a drain.
Vorticity: The study of what happens to all waves shortly after you pull the plug in your bathtub: a vortex forms.


Wave: a curved (whether simple or complex) line.
Wave Motion: in physics, mechanism by which energy is conveyed from one place to another in mechanically propagated waves without the transference of matter. At any point along the path of transmission a periodic displacement, or oscillation, occurs about a neutral position. The oscillation may be of air molecules, as in the case of sound traveling through the atmosphere; of water molecules, as in waves occurring on the surface of the ocean; or of portions of a rope or a wire spring. In each of these cases the particles of matter oscillate about their own equilibrium position and only the energy moves continuously in one direction. Such waves are called mechanical because the energy is transmitted through a material medium, without a mass movement of the medium itself. The only form of wave motion that requires no material medium for transmission is the electromagnetic wave; in this case the displacement is of electric and magnetic fields of force in space (see Electricity; Electromagnetic Radiation; Electronics; Field).
Types of Waves
Waves are divided into types according to the direction of the displacements in relation to the direction of the motion of the wave itself. If the vibration is parallel to the direction of motion, the wave is known as a longitudinal wave (see Fig. 1). The longitudinal wave is always mechanical because it results from successive compressions (state of maximum density and pressure) and rarefactions (state of minimum density and pressure) of the medium. Sound waves typify this form of wave motion. Another type of wave is the transverse wave, in which the vibrations are at right angles to the direction of motion. A transverse wave may be mechanical, such as the wave projected in a taut string that is subjected to a transverse vibration (see Fig. 2); or it may be electromagnetic, such as light, X ray, or radio waves (see Radio; X Ray). Some mechanical wave motions, such as waves on the surface of a liquid, are combinations of both longitudinal and transverse motions, resulting in the circular motion of liquid particles.
For a transverse wave, the wavelength is the distance between two successive crests or troughs. For longitudinal waves, it is the distance from compression to compression or rarefaction to rarefaction. The frequency of the wave is the number of vibrations per second. The velocity of the wave, which is the speed at which it advances, is equal to the wavelength times the frequency. The maximum displacement involved in the vibration is called the amplitude of the wave.
Wave Behavior:
The velocity of a wave motion in matter depends on the elasticity and density of the medium. In a transverse wave on a taut string, for example, the velocity depends on the tension of the string and its mass per unit length. The velocity can be doubled by quadrupling the tension, or it can be reduced to one-half by quadrupling the mass of the string. The motion of electromagnetic waves through space is constant at about 300,000 km/sec (about 186,000 mi/sec), or the speed of light. This velocity varies slightly in passage through matter.
When two waves meet at a point, the resulting displacement of that point will be the sum of the displacements produced by each of the waves. If the displacements are in the same direction, the two waves reinforce each other; if the displacements are in the opposite direction, the waves counteract each other. This phenomenon is known as interference. See also Diffraction.
When two waves of equal wavelength and amplitude travel in opposite directions at the same velocity through a medium, stationary, or standing, waves are formed. For example, if one end of a rope is tied to a wall and the other end is shaken up and down, waves will be reflected back along the rope from the wall. Assuming that the reflection is perfectly efficient, the reflected wave will be half a wavelength behind the initiating wave. Interference will take place, and the resultant displacement at any given point and time will be the sum of the individual displacements. No motion will take place at points where the crest of the incident wave meets the trough of the reflected one. Such points are called nodes. Halfway between the nodes, the waves meet in the same phase; that is, crest will coincide with crest and trough with trough. At these points the amplitude of the resultant wave is twice as great as that of the incident wave. Thus, the rope is divided into sections one wavelength long by the nodes, which do not progress along the rope, while the rope between the nodes vibrates transversely.
Stationary waves are present in the vibrating strings of musical instruments. A violin string, for instance, when bowed or plucked, vibrates as a whole, with nodes at the ends, and also vibrates in halves, with a node at the center, in thirds, with two equally spaced nodes, and in various other fractions, all simultaneously. The vibration as a whole produces the fundamental tone, and the other vibrations produce the various harmonics.
In quantum mechanics (see Quantum Theory), the structure of the atom is explained by analogy to a system of standing waves. Much of the development of modern physics is based on the elaboration of the theory of waves and wave motion.



Yantra: (from wikipedia): Yantra literally means loom, instrument or machine. In actual practice, a yantra is a symbolic representation of aspects of divinity. It is an interlocking matrix of geometric figures, circles, triangles and floral patterns that form fractal patterns of elegance and beauty. Yantras function as revelatory symbols of cosmic truths; furthermore, they are said to represent a map of both the universe and an individual's mind or consciousness. Practitioners often use a yantra and a mantra representing the same aspect of the Divine together. Though drawn in two dimensions, a yantra may represent a three-dimensional sacred object.